Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Quick hello

I know I’ve been really bad about blogging but you can’t really blame me. The weather is fantastic at the moment. After being stuck in the office all day long I want to spend every possible moment outside …

The kids are having a great time at the camp.  Tiger’s arm is annoying him a bit cause he can’t play quite as hard as he would like to. Other than that my mom told me that Cat is team leader and Tiger is very popular with the girls. No surprises there then.

Himself should be back tonight. This means that after a week of not having to cook dinner for anyone that is going to change. Can’t say I’m too excited about that but I’ll be happy to have the man back again.  And so will Al who has been running the pub in his absences. 

All of the cherries that I could reach last night ...


  1. Hello to you! Can't argue with good weather.


  2. I agree! it's been very hot this week and I'm dying for the weekend.

    so funny! I just bought some cherries too. they were finally a normal price!

  3. It's so hard to keep up with blogging in the summer. Just popping in to see how things were with you. Glad you're enjoying yourself.

  4. I don't blame you at all...enjoy the lovely weather with your family and friends!

  5. Cherries look yum!!!

    I'm sure it'll be nice to have everyone back even if it does mean cooking ;)

  6. Love and admire that you are taking advantage of every moment to be outside with your babe! I'm striving to do the same, but it's so hard to keep up with our blogging friends :)

  7. I'm a bad blogger lately too, for the same reason. I'm just hanging out outside with my family! Sometimes you just have to live and not worry about the computer!
